Allithwaite Upper Housing Need Survey 2008

The Survey

500 survey forms were delivered by post to the households and businesses of the parish of Allithwaite Upper (100%), with a return date of 31st October 2008.  150 households returned their completed forms.   This is a return rate of 30.0% which is below the average of 36.64% return rate for this type of survey in Cumbria since the beginning of 2006, and below the national average of 35%. The 2001 Census information for Allithwaite Upper shows a high percentage of second homes or holiday homes in the area at 11.5%. This amount is likely to have increased in the past seven years, and these households are unlikely to respond to the survey. Therefore the response rate of 30% is good.Of the returned forms, there were 22 (14.67%), responses, saying that either the whole household or someone living within the household needed to move, within the parish, in the next 5 years. Two of these potential households emerged from one form. According to surveys completed by Cumbria Rural Housing Trust since 2003, an average of 18.44% of completed forms identified a local housing need. We used the LDNPA criteria to determine whether a household was in need; see Methodology in section 3 of this report. This report details the information derived from these 22 survey responses who expressed a need. Four households stated that they were registered on the Local Authority and/or a Housing Association or other waiting list.

Housing Need

Of the 22 survey responses, we consider that eight households would be in need of affordable housing within the area of the parish of Allithwaite Upper.
A breakdown of these is as follows. 

  4         Now
         Within 12 months
         Within 3 years
We consider that the remaining fourteen do not fit the criteria of being in need of affordable housing in the parish.



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