In March 2010 Cumbria Rural Housing Trust, commissioned by Eden District Council and supported by Appleby Town Council and the Heart of Eden Community Plan, conducted a Housing Needs Survey in Appleby-in-Westmorland Parish. The survey followed the launch of the Heart of Eden Community Plan and was distributed with a copy of the Executive Summary. The purpose of the survey was to identify the need for affordable housing and to fulfil one of the action plans laid out in the Community Plan. This report details the information derived from the survey responses. The survey work undertaken at local level provides information for Parish Councils/Meetings regarding the housing needs of their community and is essential evidence for Eden District Council, Planners, Registered Social Landlords and developers to establish if there is a need for affordable housing. Copies of the findings of the survey are distributed to Appleby-in-Westmorland Town Council, Eden District Council, and are placed on the Cumbria Rural Housing Trust web site. The Survey 1672 survey forms were delivered by post to the households (1520) and businesses (152) within of the parish of Appleby-in-Westmorland (100%), with a return date of 29th March 2010. 426 households returned their completed forms, which is a return rate of 28.02% and 6 businesses forms were returned 3.94%. The overall return rate is 25.84% which is below the current average of 30% for this type of survey in Cumbria. Cumbria Rural Housing Trust expresses its thanks to the Town Council, the Heart of Eden Community Plan group and others in the community for their work to promote the survey. Of the returned forms there were 70 (16.20%) responses, saying that either the whole household or someone living within the household, wished to move within the parish in the next 5 years. Housing NeedOf these 70 survey responses indicating a housing need some had a multiple need giving 89 in total. Of these, 23 households are in need of affordable housing within next 5 years in the parish of Appleby-in-Westmorland. 9 of the 23 households stated that they were registered on the Local Authority and/or a Housing Association or other waiting list. Appleby-in-Westmorland Parish Housing Needs Survey March 2010
For a complete breakdown see housing need survey PDF for Appleby.